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ToBRFV: It is not yet a pandemic, but prophylaxis needs to be done

Prevention and information for farmers, thanks to the #Produrreinformati initiative by Area Verde Vivai to fight the dangerous virus

PACHINO SEPTEMBER 17, 2019- It is called ToBRFV, the virus that attacks the seed by breaking the resistance of the tomato plant and which represents a serious danger for the entire agricultural sector. Experts worry about its speed of contamination. For this reason, Area Verde Vivai has decided to dedicate the third phase of the #Produrreinformati initiative to ToBRFV, to inform producers and all the players in the sector about the dangers of phytopathology and the risk that the entire territory runs if they do not put themselves immediately the right prophylaxis practices are in place to block its spread. The meeting entitled “ToBRFV: It is not yet a pandemic, but prophylaxis must be taken”, will take place on Thursday 19 September at 10.30 in the open space of Area Verde Vivai in C.da Cozzo Grillo, with the experts of Clause Vegetable Seeds

With the third phase of #Produrreinformati, the mission of Area Verde Vivai continues, which after having put farmers in a position to choose the best varietal ranges to plant, through a series of meetings with the main seed companies, and instructed the producer on the correct use of phytosanitary products, now aims at the total protection of a territory with a very strong agricultural vocation that risks seeing the new agricultural year destroyed due to a lack of and correct preventive action.

Ufficio Stampa Area Verde Vivai
Elisa Mirabile
Giornalista Pubblicista Tessera N° 165173
E-mail: elisa.mirabile88@gmail.com

ToBRFV: It is not yet a pandemic, but prophylaxis needs to be done
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